Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I’m just getting warmed up.

It has been so many years since I’ve written anything longer than a quick note. Since the beginning of this blog I think I’ve begun to meet my goals and expectations of this literary tool. Those being; to exercise my very rusty writing, grammar, and spelling skills; to find that enjoyment and excitement I used to know when in my creative writing classes; and, finally, to express my views and opinions of the world we live in and of humanity itself. About forty posts later and I’m just beginning to shake some of the rust off. In the past few weeks I’ve begun writing much, much more than I ever have since high school. I’ve also finally begun to get some things off my chest which I’ve been wrestling with for some time. In exploring the concepts in my posts I find myself contemplating more and more on the state of things as they are and the shape of things to come. With each post I write, I form the ideas for more and more posts. I find the ideas and thoughts come to me much more quickly than I can arrange and form them. They certainly come more quickly than I can write them. I have a list of posts waiting for the thought process to be worked out and formulated into coherent abstraction. You might even say my very thoughts are on back order. Well, no that’s not right. That would be to say they are being neglected. Quite the contrary, they are more like. Stewing… Marinating and soaking in the richness of my wit and whimsy. At least I’d like to think of it that way.

I plan to continue writing and to continue improving my writing skills. With each post I’ll grow more and more into the writer and the person I want to be. Through my studies and ventures in reading I’ll also continue to grow and improve, learning by example, taking bits from those authors and adding them to my own repertoire. As I mature as a writer, so then will my material. And as I venture down this road I will continue to share my journey here, on this blog. So please keep coming back here for further forays into the chaotic random thoughts and musings of a demented mind.


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